Send an acknowledgement whether a message was consumed or not resulting
in an ACK or NACK frame respectively.
<p><strong>Note:</strong> to use this when subscribing you must set the
{@link StompHeaders#setAck(string) ack} header to "client" or
"client-individual" in order ot use this.
@param messageId the id of the message
@param consumed whether the message was consumed or not
@return a Receiptable for tracking receipts
@since 4.3
Send an acknowledgement whether a message was consumed or not resulting in an ACK or NACK frame respectively. <p><strong>Note:</strong> to use this when subscribing you must set the {@link StompHeaders#setAck(string) ack} header to "client" or "client-individual" in order ot use this. @param messageId the id of the message @param consumed whether the message was consumed or not @return a Receiptable for tracking receipts @since 4.3